Friday, September 10, 2010

Casey Tulk might just seem like an average everyday kid wandering the hallways of his highschool but there is something special about him. If you have ever insulted Casey and then the next second felt a sharp pain in your stomach, face, or crotch its because Casey is so special. Without even noticing he had most likely punched or kicked you in one of these areas after being isulted. "How is this even possible?" you ask yourself nervously. Well Casey is special because he has the ability to stop time! Yes thats right this means the next time you think of insulting Casey Tulk you better think "Hmm is it worth being unable to pee?"


  1. Hahaha pretty funny, i'm going to think twice about beaking you now.

  2. Good start,Casey. A bit more detail would help. Needs a bit of proofreading. Focus on diction and creative imagery. Consider some similes and metaphors.

  3. One of four assignments complete. 8/48
